Camila Lopes

Camila Lopes

PhD Candidate


About me

My name is Camila da Cunha Lopes and I’m a PhD candidate at the University of São Paulo. My research interests are thunderstorms formation and life cycle in Brazil, which includes cloud microphysics, electification and remote sensing of the atmosphere. Some specific topics I study are: storm tracking with weather radars, hailfall features with hailpad data, 3D wind retrieval using Dual and Multi-Doppler, etc. I’m currently working at the Laboratório de Física das Nuvens (Cloud Physics Laboratory - LabNuvens), coordinated by my advisor Dr. Rachel Albrecht.

For my research, I use R and Python programming languages, using several packages for data analysis and visualization, as well as packages developed for meteorological data such as MetPy and Py-ART. For example, the soschuva_hail repository contains the scripts I developed for my Masters dissertation, using radar, lightning, hailpad, reanalysis and satellite data.


  • Cloud Microphysics
  • Cloud Electrification
  • Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere


  • PhD in Meteorology, 2019 - Present

    Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG-USP)

  • MSc in Meteorology, 2017 - 2019

    Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG-USP)

  • BSc in Meteorology, 2012 - 2017

    Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG-USP)








Data Analysis






Cat Lover


Arts & Crafts







The LabNuvens laboratory studies the physics of clouds and thunderstorms development through remote sensing (radar, satellite and lightning detection systems) and in-situ measurements of its microphysics properties, as well as numerical modelling.

GOES-R Series Multilingual Training Resources

This site provides training materials for GOES-R series satellites in multiple languages, including Portuguese, which I help to translate. Requires a MetEd account to access.

IAG Devs

The IAG Devs research group with IAG graduate students and professors develops educational material in Portuguese for other students. Check out our Introduction to R Course.


The SOS-CHUVA project developed research in thunderstorm nowcasting in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas based on acquired knowledge during CHUVA Project. I help to coordinate a hail detection network installed for the first time in the region.

Aerosol and clouds life cycles in Amazonia: biogenic emissions, biomass burning and impacts on ecosystem

This thematic grant develops research in Aerosol Life Cycle (ALC), Cloud Life Cycle (CLC), and Cloud-Aerosol-Radiation-Precipitation Interactions (CAPI) in Amazonia by several fronts, including a new site assembled near the ATTO Tower called Campina, which I’m currently involved by mentoring one of the instruments installed on the site.

Recent Publications

Microphysics, Kinematics and Electrical Activity of Hail Producing Storms during SOS-CHUVA Project

We present an analysis of hail producing storms on the Metropolitan Region of Campinas to identify key factors for hailfall occurrence. …
Microphysics, Kinematics and Electrical Activity of Hail Producing Storms during SOS-CHUVA Project

Microphysics, Kinematics and Electrical Activity of Hail Producing Storms during SOS-CHUVA Project

We present an analysis of hail producing storms on the Metropolitan Region of Campinas to identify key factors for hailfall occurrence. …
Microphysics, Kinematics and Electrical Activity of Hail Producing Storms during SOS-CHUVA Project

Microphysics, Kinematics and Electrification in Hail Producing Tropical Storms during SOS-CHUVA Project

This dissertation analyzed hail producing storms on the Metropolitan Region of Campinas to identify key factors for hailfall …
Microphysics, Kinematics and Electrification in Hail Producing Tropical Storms during SOS-CHUVA Project

The Influence of Hail on Severe Storms Electrification

Two hailstorms that occurred in March 2017 and November 2017 were analyzed using weather radar measurements from FCTH, lightning …
The Influence of Hail on Severe Storms Electrification

Recent & Upcoming Talks

Deep Convection Invigoration in Amazônia

Deep Convection Invigoration in Amazônia

Thunderstorms with M.Sc. Camila Lopes

Thunderstorms with M.Sc. Camila Lopes

Microfísica, Cinemática e Atividade Elétrica de Tempestades que geraram Granizo durante o Projeto SOS-CHUVA

Microfísica, Cinemática e Atividade Elétrica de Tempestades que geraram Granizo durante o Projeto SOS-CHUVA

Deep Convection Invigoration in Amazonia: Observations and Comparison with Satellite Estimates

Deep Convection Invigoration in Amazonia: Observations and Comparison with Satellite Estimates

Ensinando com Jupyter Notebook

Ensinando com Jupyter Notebook

Recent Posts

Writing about a new site and a new instrument at the ATTO Tower

I had the amazing opportunity to write (very informally) about Campina and the MIRA-35C cloud radar installed there this year in the ATTO HIGH-TECH blog in the project website. I’m currently the data mentor of this radar.
Writing about a new site and a new instrument at the ATTO Tower

Organizing my life: From '3' to '3+ in one'

I’m a big fan of productivity tools - almost addicted to it, I must say. I’ve been using OneNote (moved from Evernote because of their several limitations in the free plan) since my undergrad to organize my various notes on classes, seminars, and research.
Organizing my life: From '3' to '3+ in one'

Writing the PhD project

After finishing my Masters dissertation, it took me several (painful) months to define what I was going to do during my PhD. The main idea was to explore a different region of Brazil (Amazônia) and its complex interaction between clouds, aerosols and land use.

NOAA/NASA Satellite Meteorology Summer Workshop

Between July 8th and 19th 2019, I had the amazing opportunity to participate in the first Satellite Meteorology Summer Workshop hosted at CIRA (Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere) in Fort Collins, Colorado (USA).
NOAA/NASA Satellite Meteorology Summer Workshop
