
Writing about a new site and a new instrument at the ATTO Tower

I had the amazing opportunity to write (very informally) about Campina and the MIRA-35C cloud radar installed there this year in the ATTO HIGH-TECH blog in the project website. I’m currently the data mentor of this radar.

Organizing my life: From '3' to '3+ in one'

I’m a big fan of productivity tools - almost addicted to it, I must say. I’ve been using OneNote (moved from Evernote because of their several limitations in the free plan) since my undergrad to organize my various notes on classes, seminars, and research.

Writing the PhD project

After finishing my Masters dissertation, it took me several (painful) months to define what I was going to do during my PhD. The main idea was to explore a different region of Brazil (Amazônia) and its complex interaction between clouds, aerosols and land use.

NOAA/NASA Satellite Meteorology Summer Workshop

Between July 8th and 19th 2019, I had the amazing opportunity to participate in the first Satellite Meteorology Summer Workshop hosted at CIRA (Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere) in Fort Collins, Colorado (USA).