The SOS-CHUVA project developed research in thunderstorm nowcasting in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas based on acquired knowledge during CHUVA Project. I help to coordinate a hail detection network installed for the first time in the region.
This dissertation analyzed hail producing storms on the Metropolitan Region of Campinas to identify key factors for hailfall occurrence. For the first time, a hail detection network installed in the region allowed the identification and …
Two hailstorms that occurred in March 2017 and November 2017 were analyzed using weather radar measurements from FCTH, lightning occurrence from BrasilDAT and a hailpad network deployed during SOS-CHUVA Project in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas. …
This thematic grant develops research in Aerosol Life Cycle (ALC), Cloud Life Cycle (CLC), and Cloud-Aerosol-Radiation-Precipitation Interactions (CAPI) in Amazonia by several fronts, including a new site assembled near the ATTO Tower called Campina, which I’m currently involved by mentoring one of the instruments installed on the site.